Super Bowl Prop-Bet-A-Rama RESULTS!

Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the much anticipated reveal of the First Annual Oi/RTW/Exo Dr. Butt Lips Prop-Bet-A-Ramma Super Bowl Predictions Trophy Award (OREDBLPBARSBPTA, for short) Presented By Matty Maina.  

The winner of this prestigious, major award must display precision and excellence in predicting some of the most pointless results of the Super Bowl.  It requires no skill, no talent, no real pre-existing knowledge of football (real football, not that pussy Euro shit where they kick a ball and flop around), and pure luck.  As such, it is the most difficult award to win among the Blogspot wrestling prediction competitions. 

As an Academic and Ph.D. holder myself, I am authorized to grant the winner of this major award an Honorary Doctorate of Proponomics (or Prop.D., if you will).  In addition to earning their Doctorate in Proponomics, the winner gets to proudly posses this beauty for an entire year.  Their name will forever be enshrined in the annals of Blogspot prediction history.  If the winner so chooses, he or she can add the official Doctorate of Proponomics emoji to their Disqus username for an entire year (๐ŸŽ“๐Ÿงจ๐Ÿˆ ๐Ÿ†), and is encouraged to routinely post a picture of their beautiful trophy for all to envy. 

Now, on to the results.  You can go ahead and call me Santa Butt Lips, cuz I checked the list twice before certifying these results.  

For starters, there were a total of 40 questions (39 forced choice questions and the tiebreaker question was guessing the anthem length).  If you managed to actually get through reading all 40 questions, then you deserve some mini props.  Good on you.  However, the Mad Props are reserved for the person who got the most right.

Let's start with the Dr. Butt Lips Shit Head Award (DBLSHA, for short).  This goes to the giant turd who managed to guess the least amount of prop bets correctly.  The winner of this distinction has earned the right to include the DBL Shit Head emoji in their Disqus name, if they so please:




The winner of the First Annual DBLSHA is.....

Joseph Biden!

This turd managed to only get 9 out of 40 correct.  

Of the remaining 21 participants in this predictions pool, the 'runners up' to the DBLSHA are as follows:

Tied with 12 pathetic points were Berg, King Evil Cuzzy, and Matty.  

In 18th place, we have AceTanhashi with 14 points.

Tied for 16th/17th place, with a total of 15 points, were The Master of Ruckass, Bass, and the fat retard RyDoggy.

Tied for 14th/15th place, with a total of 16 points, were MrEddyG and Borg.  I guess neither a steady diet of Canadian Bacon or injecting testosterone into one's ass helps with prop betting.

And finally, rounding out the bottom half of the turd pile, all with 17 points, were Berg (again?  da fuck yo?), Super Liger, Pickle Rick, Demento, and Frank (Cap). 

Now, on to the people that are actually worthy of consideration for receiving props.

Tied for 7th/8th place, and with 18 points, were my brother from another EWN mother, Rick, and my Canadian sister from another mister, the boss lady herself, Ash.

Tied for 4th/5th/6th place, all with 19 points, were "this bitch," Anna Belle, Disqus's favorite Other Doctor, Dong, and the Master of sick kicks, Dip9.

All by his lonesome, in 3rd place with 21 points, was your boy, the Doctor of Buttanomics Himself.  DBL. Boogidyboo, yo!!

And now, without further adieu.  It came down two Disqus badasses.  Tied with 22 points, the dead man himself, Z-Bird in No Hat, and the mysterious newcomer who goes by the disqus name "Fuck You."  So, the Mad Props Trophy and the Honorary Doctorate of Propnomics (Prop.D.) came down to the Anthem tie breaker.  

One of these fine gentlemen guessed, "1 minute, 45 seconds."  The other guessed, "longer than my dick in your ass."  Therefore, the person who guessed 1:45, which was closer to the actual time of 2:24 than a dick in my butt, and thus the winner of the First Annual OREDBLPBARSBPTA is...



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